Friday, July 24, 2009

Saturday July 25th FACTORY hosts the fist ever 3-D Burlesque shows!

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EDGE 17/FACTORY write up in the Times Union today!

"A new club glows in Murray Hill"
By Laura Capitano

A very nice write up on EDGE 17 and FACTORY in the Times Union today:

FACTORY new door cover policy! Dance club now always $5 cover!*

We love our patrons and you've spoken and we hear you! We love bringing bands to FACTORY, but the costs of doing so -vs- our patrons needing a less expensive night out to dance their asses off has led us to a new door cover policy!

From this weekend (July 25th) and on the front half of the club and dance floor will be a $5 cover every night* for 21yoa+.

For bands or special events we have in either of the other two rooms there will be an extra cover charged at the door, so only those wanting to see the show will have to pay the upcharge for it.

*The only excpetion will be if there is a pricey guest DJ